Dr Rakesh K Panchal
Consultant Respiratory Physician & Hon. Associate Professor
MB ChB (Hons) MRes (Dist.) MRCP (Respiratory Medicine) FRCP (London)

Awards and Prizes
British Lung Foundation: Travel Fellowship Award
Trent Thoracic Society: President’s Prize 2012
Best Poster: Health Protection Agency 2011: TB
British Thoracic Society Tuberculosis Travel Award
Faculty of Medicine Gold Medallist & Prize 2003.
Double Distinction in Final MB
Awarded MB ChB with Honours
Finalist: Sydney Brandon Prize & Medal in Psychiatry
Winner: Arthur Watts Prize in Clinical Methods Leicester RCGP
Award for Elective Studies University of Leicester
Distinction in First MB University of Leicester
Finalist: Gerald Tressider Anatomy Dissection Prize
Professional Memberships
British Thoracic Society
European Respiratory Society
European Association for Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
World Association for Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
British Thoracic Oncology Group
Royal College of Physicians of London
About Dr Rakesh Panchal
Dr Panchal read medicine at the University of Leicester. He was awarded his degree with Honours and ranked first in his year. The prestigious Faculty of Medicine Gold Medal was presented to him in acknowledgement of his outstanding academic excellence. He is Fellow of Royal College of Physicians.
Dr Panchal trained in respiratory medicine at Glenfield Hospital. He undertook a unique Darzi Clinical Leadership Fellowship that culminated in a Masters degree in Research Translational Management. His work on seeking a strategy for screening and preventing TB in the UK was published in the international journal Thorax. He has spent time at the Global TB Institute in New York, USA and has presented at symposia in the US, Europe and the UK.
In 2013, Dr Panchal was appointed as a Consultant Respiratory Physician with an interest in Interventional Pulmonology at Glenfield Hospital, Leicester. He is a member of the Institute for Lung Health and is the lead clinician for the busy pleural diseases and interventional pulmonology tertiary services for which he has received clinical excellence awards. He offers a popular Interventional Pulmonology Fellowship that has trained people from the UK and abroad.
Dr Panchal trained in interventional procedures in the UK and has refined his skills set by attending courses across Europe. Alongside his clinical practice he plays an active role in both undergraduate and postgraduate education and is an Honorary Associate Professor in Medical Education at the University of Leicester and a College Tutor and MRCP examiner for the Royal College of Physicians. Dr Panchal is a BTS/RCP Regional Specialty Advisor for Respiratory Medicine and co-founder of the East Midlands Thoracic Society, sits on the East Midlands Specialist Training Committee and runs practical training courses in pleural procedures.
Dr Panchal is involved in multi-centre research trials and lectures and runs workshops both in the UK and abroad. He is an invited speaker at conferences around the world.
Dr Panchal is married to a dermatologist and has twins that keep him busy. He is interested in foreign travel, aviation and literature from the Indian sub-continent.
Dr Panchal is fluent in Gujarati and proficient in Hindi and happy to undertake consultations with patients in these languages